My purple soft snowflakes made it into a treasury curated by the lovely
Marmalady !
I have also been experimenting with a couple of new ideas, finished a new purse/pouch and am working on some more ‘homes for pins’ as the stocks are getting depleted. All I need now is to sit down and do the painting, and then try and get some photographs.

I’ve been tagged! (Thanks
bagladee ) And given an award! (Thanks
Jewelstreet ) And another award! (Thanks
Just Original ) For the first two I need to do a list of six things, one of six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about myself, and the other of things that make me happy.
But I am going to cheat a tiny bit and combine the two so you don’t get bored, I hope that’s ok. So here goes:
Things that make me happy
1 I love walks in the woods, especially in the autumn
2 I love being woken up with a kiss from my daughter
3 An evening in with my husband, a good film and a glass of wine
Quirky, unspectacular things
4 I can wiggle my ears (sometimes if I don’t think too hard)
5 I really like grouting tiles
6 I’ve lost half a stone in the last month (just over) with the help of my wii fit
Just Original is also promoting the Jamie Oliver ‘pass it on’ recipes, see
here for more information and a recipe to get you started.
So now I need to tag/award six people, all of you get both awards as you are all such great blog friends, and if you want to take part in the tag the rules are
here .
Cicada studio
Claires blog
Please sir
Indigo Blue
Red otter
Flower garden
(I have never done a post with sooo many links, its taken me forever!)
: )