Yesterday I had a day off work as it is half term, and my sister came up for the day. And guess where we went? Fabric shopping! There is a great shop about half an hour away from us so we don't go that often but when we do we usually manage to spend quite a long time in there, and yesterday was no exception. I must admit I didn't find as many enticing things as I usually do, but Holly made up for it for me. She wanted to choose some fabric to make something with, and she went straight for the liberty cord. Little miss expensive tastes! So we got half a metre of the lovely fabric above, which one day soon we will try and transform into a cat.

We haven't had such an exciting day together today as the weather has been wet and miserable, but I did give Holly lots of laughs playing the wii game 'just dance' with her. Apparently I looked like a chicken, but never mind, it was fun!

There was also time for a spot of sewing, my first ever red box this time, available
: )