I can't believe it but I have finished Holly's top already, and I love it! It was so easy to make, if you have a little girl and would like to make one, I found the instructions
here. It only used about a yard of fabric for her size, and it is reversible, so two tops in one, just turn it inside out when you want a change! (which Holly has done already quite frequently!)

Holly loves it too, her favourite side is the birds (what good taste she has) but I almost equally like the pink, which is a japanese fabric I couldn't resist buying a while ago. She has already decided when it is going to get its first outing, what a success. I'm not sure if/when the novelty of being able to turn it inside out and look like you are wearing a different top will wear off, I think I would like one myself!

(This is what I will be doing this evening, three bags of broad beans from the allotment that need podding/blanching/skins removed)
: )