A couple of weekends ago I took Holly to her first concert, and it was also the first time we had been to wembley stadium. Its was an amazing day, with 6 and a half hours of great acts, including my favourite (pitbull) and Holly's favourite (The Wanted). Definitely a day to remember.

Cheryl cole



The Wanted
Lucky Molly! I remember my first concert....Duran Duran at the Docklands. Brilliant!
Sophie has yet to do this, she is not showing signs of liking any singer in particular but we taking her to see an ABBA tribute show at the hall for Cornwall next month.
The ABBA influence is probably mine as I often play it in the car, right from when she was born. Some lulled her sleep in the early days!
Pitbull? Oh no ... he always seems to me to be sneering in his videos! Looks like you had a great time though.
I've just seen your leaf cushion on Folksy (front page) and it's the most glorious thing I've seen for a long time!
I've pinned it to my pinterest board, but if you want me to take it off I will.
Tresor Paris Espoir Looks Very Charming On Your Wrists
Many people around the world wear different types of accessories on different parts of their body, in order to look trendy. People from different cultural background wear different types of ornaments and accessories on their wrists and ankles due to their religious obligations too. The shapes, sizes, colors, designs of the ornaments, which the different people wear, depend on their taste and aesthetic sense. The manufacturers and designers of the trendy ornaments have deep knowledge and sense of art. So, they are able to produce ornaments, which have been successful in captivating the hearts of women and men. Tresor Paris Espoir is an admirable ornament for the wrists.
The ornament comes with different sizes. It is meant for men, women and children. The ornament is very much versatile in its task. Men can wear it and look smart and handsome, while women can wear it and look elegant. The children will enjoy wearing it on their wrists and flaunting it in front of their friends. You can also wear more than one ornament on your wrist. You will look very much fashionable wearing two Tresor Paris wristlets on the same wrist.
If you are involved with a musical band, you can wear the wristlets on your wrists in order to mesmerize your audience. Your audience will appreciate your wristlets besides appreciating your creative as well as singing talent. They cannot take away their gaze off you. Young men can flaunt the ornament in their colleges. The ornament will enhance the style quotient of the individual wearing them.
The ornament is made of agate, which is black in color. Agate constitutes one of the main parts of the ornament. Red crystal and magnetite is also used to manufacture the ornament too. The color of the cord, used to make the ornament is black. The threading of the materials with the cord is done very tightly and efficiently. The quality of the cord is very high. So, the cord does not wear and tear away, even after many years of using them. The shape of the red crystal of Tresor Paris Espoiris exquisite, which makes the ornament look majestic.
You can acquire the ornament very easily, from Tresor Paris online store. The price of the bracelet is very much affordable. The ornament is sold with a very noble cause, of helping AIDS affected children, in mind. You can acquire Tresor Paris Monaco bracelet, which are offered by the company at a discounted price. The ornament comes with white crystal and black cord and looks very stylish. The white crystals of the ornament are beautifully textured, which make the ornament look heavenly. You can acquire other information about other different types of ornaments offered by the reputed company.
Refer to tresorparis.co.uk, if you want to know more about Tresor Paris Espoir and Tresor Paris Monaco. Tresor Paris ornaments are available at a reasonable price.
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