The weather here in the uk this weekend and today has been absolutely glorious, the sort of weather where you just have to be outside if you can, even if you are in the shade. I’ve been spending quite a bit of time each evening watering the garden, including these poppies (which I love, especially the white ones), as there are lots and lots of buds just waiting to pop – just like this one.

And I want to say a big thank you to
just B you for the very lovely feature she wrote about me on her blog, it made my day!

You might have noticed too a new link in my sidebar, I joined
Shop Handmade UK, and I have been included on their blog showcasing their new designers.

Did anyone else get up at 5am today to watch the finale of Lost? It was definitely worth getting up (very) early for, even if I'm still not quite certain what happened, but I am starting to get tired now!
: )