seeing stars

dotty - with kisses!

Tutorial: how to create your own designs on fabric at home

3 sides, 5 sides

Turning Seven

Christmas is coming!

I’ve tried really hard this year not to get going on Christmas things too early, but I have now spent the last few weeks designing and refining this years picciolo decorations. I will show you them in more detail soon, this is just a little taster of what is to come – and they will start appearing in my shops from next week. There will also be a very limited number of my ‘soft snowflakes’ and ‘soft stars’ appearing soon, I’ll let you know when!
Thank you for your kind words and migraine advice, I now have some great pills from the doctor that mean within about half an hour I can sort of function again, as opposed to usually the whole rest of the day being knocked out. So that is a great improvement and takes away a little bit of the stress of worrying if I am going to get one! Any miracle cures out there? please let me know! : )