
How is this for great timing - spend all day at work, get home and go straight out for a run, come home and run a lovely bath, get in, pick up my book (I love reading in the bath) and wham. A migraine. How wonderful, just in time to wipe out my friday night and most of the weekend. I still did everything we had planned but didn't feel quite on the same planet as everyone else! Oh well, here's hoping I won't see another one for a good long while (fingers crossed very tightly). Hopefully a proper post will appear tomorrow, I have lots of thing to show you. : )


Bagladee said...

Hey Jane, Hope it stays away. I'm off to the docs about mine on Friday as they are driving me insane. I'd love to hear any rememdies you may have for easing them? Hugs Emma x

Beck said...

How frustrating and annoying, hope you are feeling better. Sounds like you have been a busy been though, looking forward to seeing what you have been up to xo

Unknown said...

aw..I know how frustrating migraine can be...some said it cd be a food allergy, my husband has it here's hoping you are better (I am sure you will be when you read this..) Happy week ahead.

Indigo Blue said...

I used to suffer from them alot. My Doctor at the time recommended 3soluble asprin and by jove it worked. They got significantly better once some changes were made at work which improved things so mine may have been stress related. Now if I get them it is because I am just knackered! I seeme to have swapped migraines for asthma. It is annoying that the whole weekend is runed. you will need tomake up for this coming weekend instead.