If you also read my sisters blog (paper and string) this picture will make sense, but who got to it first, me or Holly?
We actually got back yesterday tea time, had a lovely weekend, why does the time always go too quickly??? After a 3.5 hour journey to get there on friday night (Holly slept all the way apart from about 15 minutes when she woke up to dance to the radio) we didn't do anything to energetic on saturday, went to see my nan, then went out to lunch with her and mum and dad. It was yummy! Then we went to a big garden centre where I bought some really nice ribbon (yes, it really was a garden centre) and then in the evening we sat with a glass of wine and watched the final of the dreadful-but-had-to-see-who-won programme 'the one and only'. Sunday turned out to be a gorgeous blue sky day, so we went for a walk in the woods before going to say bye to nan and heading home.

Holly took this picture of our shadows

And today is the start of half term, and I had today and also tomorrow off work. Holly and I have had great fun today, we went to Ikea, (got lots of good things but of course the one thing I went for, a mirror, was out of stock, possibly discontinued!?!) went to the park on Hollys scooter (yes I had a go - ok a few) made pizzas for our tea and watched 'Ratatouille' on dvd. Then a quick bath for Holly and she is now in bed. I got myself a film for tonight as Stuart is away on a course, I got 'The Nanny Diaries', I'll let you know if its any good.
I've had a couple of days away from sewing so I am looking forward to sitting down with my started project later, I also got some great fabric in Ikea and want to start something with that too...
: )