As you have probably noticed, I haven’t managed to blog much over the past week or so, I’m sorry if you have visited and found nothing new. This is partly because Stuart has changed his job, and his new routine has been, (and will be for the next few weeks at least) to go to work really early and come home really late. So I have had to change my work hours on most days to accommodate doing both school runs, and after getting home and sorting out Holly etc, there hasn’t seemed to be much time for anything else other than boring things like keeping up with the washing. The result is that I’ve been feeling a bit low, but we have just had a great weekend to make up for it. It is my mums birthday tomorrow, so her, my dad and nan came up for the weekend, and then my sister and her boyfriend came up for the day yesterday. I made a cake, - this is the last piece left (which I’m very glad came out ok, my oven broke last week and only got fixed at the last minute, phew). My sister bought balloons, and we had a lovely day, which ended in us all going out for a meal.

Now everyone has gone home and Stuart is away tonight with work, so it is just Holly and I, so now she is in bed I am making some catch-up time. These pictures are of a new pouch/purse that is nearly finished and should be in the shop soon.

And I also must mention my fantastic win, I came second in
Cicada Daydream’s wonderful giveaway! Thanks Michelle!